Low CO2
We offer a suite of products with lower CO2/ton impact. We support products that provide long-term durability to build sustainable communities.
SDSMill Certificates and Tests
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Low CO2 Products

Masonry cement is the binding agent for mortar in brick and concrete block construction including structural, architectural, and landscape projects.

PLC/IL is Portland Limestone Cement. This general-purpose cement adds finely ground limestone to provide superior particle packing for a denser, more durable matrix. PLC meets the performance specifications of ASTM C 595 with less CO2/ton.

GCC's precise blend of portland cement and pozzolon meets or exceeds all specifications for ASTM C-595. This premiere product uses the best pozzolons available to provide improved finishes, water demand and strength - all while reducing CO2 impact.

GCC produces tailored combinations of products to meet your specific needs. Let us meet your performance criteria.

Versabind® is cementitious and is used as filler in asphalt mixes as a replacement for lime. Versabind® is also useful in certain soil stabilization applications. Versabind is a finely ground blend of hydraulic calcium silicates and calcium sulfate.