Missions of Chihuahua

Missions of Chihuahua

A look at the contributions of mission towns in the development of Chihuahua and the journey undertaken by its evangelists. English and Spanish


Jaime Bali


  • Libertad Villarreal


  • Clara Bargellini, Salvador Álvarez and Chantal Cramaussel

Peek inside the book

This work of masterfully achieved images takes readers on the epic journey of the evangelists, both Jesuits and Franciscans, who founded mission towns in Chihuahua during the 17th and 18th centuries. “Missions of Chihuahua” provides the data to understand the missionary system and its transformation through time. The book, through its three chapters, introduces the theme of missions in a general sense, its history together with the advance of the Spanish colonization of the north and finally tries to explain the characteristics of the architectures and material works. Available in English and Spanish

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