Light and Voices of the Chihuahua Desert

Light and Voices of the Chihuahua Desert

A broad view of the largest desert on the North American continent: The Chihuahua Desert. English and Spanish


Beatriz Quintanar Hinojosa


  • David Lauer, Ignacio Guerrero, Marco Antonio Hernandez and others

Author and editor

  • David Lauer

Peek inside the book

Book intended to extend to the reader a wide panorama of the largest desert on the North American continent: the Chihuahua Desert. Through rich images and accompanied by quality scientific works, “Light and Voices From Chihuahua Desert”, forms an interesting read where the flora and fauna are protagonists and the Chihuahua Desert is a dear friend. A work conceived by authors from different countries and generations, all focused on exalting the beauty of the Chihuahua Desert from different angles. Throughout its chapters, various scientific works of geology, biology and sociology will stand out. Enjoy literary essays with more abstract themes, all complemented with photographs of the most remote details of the desert. Available in English and Spanish

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